Tuesday, May 19, 2009

School's Out for Summer!!!

That's right!
School's out for summer!  

I finished at about 2:30 pm on Saturday, May 16.  I ended up making a 100% on my algebra final, so I was pretty happy.  It actually made me consider majoring in mathematics for a moment.  = )

I'm glad school is out for the summer.  Of course, I've decided NOT to go back for summer classes or in the fall.  I have an addiction to school that needs to be worked on for a while.  So, I'm cutting myself off - COLD TURKEY!  I need to rediscover my hobbies and have some fun.  After all, we only have 2 years left in St. Louis.  

I thoroughly enjoyed my little adventure and majoring in nursing, but I didn't LOVE it.  I'm already so passionate about music and teaching.  I often felt like I couldn't really give nursing my 100%.  I can say that I learned a ton and greatly benefited from taking the nursing nutrition class.  I actually feel like I can somewhat keep up with David and his other Med School friends when they talk about medical stuff.  It's great!!!

David is really impressed by all I learned.  He couldn't believe I was only enrolled in an undergraduate nursing nutrition course.  He often referred to it as "mini med school" or "pharm school."  I often felt that way too.  I spent a lot....and I mean A LOT... of time studying.  

Pursuing a second undergraduate degree was really hard after already having a graduate degree.  I won't go in to this now, but I have a nice list of reasons.  So, if I ever go back to school again, it just might have to be for my Ed.D..  Of course, it's very possible that I'M DONE FOR GOOD, but I'm not making any promises.  I think I still have a few good years left in me.  LOL!

I'm eager and excited to be working soon.  My plan is to just substitute teach until we move again.  It's a pretty sweet gig.  The school I've been subbing at pays their subs double the old district I taught at in OKC.  I won't have to give up my evenings or weekends for marching band either.  I don't even have to write lesson plans.  I'll finally have some free time so I can start enjoying this wonderful city again.  

Here are some recent pics....

Ethan recently discovered a 
nice little spot on his bookshelf.

"Mommy, you're disturbing me.  
This better be important."

David studying for the USMLE Step 1.
I'm so sick of seeing those books!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You have amazing eyes Jennifer! That is a great picture of you and David. Good luck joining the working force. I was so glad to be done with school after 5 years, then I worked for 2 and had Charis. Now I'm muddling my way through the terrible twos.....

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