Saturday, January 19, 2013

Yoga Challenge: Days 12 - 18

Day 12
I was wearing my yoga capris under my sweats.  Ready or not, day 12 was here! 

It was cold outside, so here I am all bundled up.  
Post-Yoga Note: I'm done... meaning that I hope I have enough arm strength to carry my shopping bags to and from my car today. So sore! ; ) Desirae wears me out every time. That's a good thing! = ) Excellent class!  Keep smiling, everybody!!! Tomorrow is a new day!

Day 13
I went straight after work so I didn't have a photo op. 

Post-Yoga Note: Black & Blue. I don't remember if I was hopping back to plank or what, but I felt a horrible pain shoot through my metatarsophalangeal joint. It was bruised almost immediately and is swollen a bit. I'll be alright! 
: ) 

Lauren's class was so good! I appreciate that she encouraged us challenge people to be nice to our shoulders if they were hurting. Missed my yogi buddies tonight, but met some new yogis. Stay strong and enjoy the journey, friends! 

Day 14
Can you tell how much I'm loving this?  I even went and purchased more yoga clothes.  I was getting tired of wearing the same pair of capris and same 3 shirts every time.  Shopping was good to me!  I found several pairs of pants/capris, a top, and a vest. The top and vest are for my yoga commute.  It's far too hot in there to wear it during yoga. 

Post-Yoga Note: Holy Block! I'll be alright if I never see a yoga block again. That thing kicked my butt! Felt stiff and wobbly tonight. I guess that's to be expected of a yoga newbie after two solid weeks of hot yoga. Tomorrow begins week 3. 
; )

Day 15
I went straight after work again and didn't have a photo op. 

Post-Yoga Note:  Halfway! I am receiving so much from these classes on a very deep and personal level. ; ) Attended the Yoga Fit tonight.  We used weights so it was pretty intense!!!  Since I'm a yoga newbie and a 30-day challenge participant, I didn't use weights the entire time.  I listened to my body and took it easy.  
Missed my yogi friends tonight, but was able to spend some time with my husband this evening. It was a good day!

Day 16
Post-Yoga Note:  HYDRATION is key!!!!! Yep, definitely need to consume more water and sodium the rest of January. I was by the thermostat tonight. It said it was 99 degrees. Is that for real?!?!

Day 17
Post-Yoga Note:  PAIN!  I could really use some pain meds right about now.  My wrists, forearms, elbows, and shoulders all hurt. I didn't expect class to go too well, but I ended up doing pretty good.  LOVED this class taught by Shana tonight.  

Day 18
Yep, I pretty much rolled out of bed and went to yoga.  It wasn't pretty! 

Post-Yoga Note:  Push-ups, push-ups, push-ups!!!!  I became so tired of all the push-ups that I actually collapsed to my belly at one point and giggled.  It was so hard!!!  These aren't ordinary push-ups either.  The sequence was inhale to plank/high push-up, exhale to low push-up, inhale to chaturanga, and exhale to downward facing dog.... I think.  It's difficult to remember the breathing without actually doing it.  
; )
 Day 18, Round 2!
Came home and showered after my morning session.  Also cleaned both bathrooms, swept and scrubbed some floors, cleaned lots of photos/mirrors/windows/etc, roasted brussel sprouts, cooked bacon, washed and cut up red/orange peppers, washed and cut up celery, and even managed to squeeze in some rest time before my afternoon session.  

Post-Yoga Note:  Super refreshing session!  

The weather was BEAUTIFUl so I had to sport some shades on my way to yoga. 

LOVE 3-day weekends!!!!!  Especially when they involve lots of YOGA!  

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